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  • Zoe Kelly

Theatre Thursday Mega Recap (Weeks 2, 3, and 4)

The past few weeks at PHS have been pretty busy, please excuse the delay in Theatre Thursday recap posts.

March ends and so does Theatre in Our Schools Month. PHS Theatre had a ton of fun celebrating through the dress up days (Theatre Thursdays) outlined by Georgia Thespians. The last three Theatre Thursdays were the following themes:

- ThesCon shirt

- Techie black

- Blue and Gold

Here are some of the photos from week 2 (unfortunately, no photos were taken for the last two weeks).

Everyone who participated wore this year's ThesCon shirt!


Now, what a better way to wrap up Theatre in Our Schools Month than some theatre education fun facts!

  • 95% of school administrators believe that theatre experiences improve students overall academic skills. -Educational Theatre Association

  • Creative drama enhances fluent and flexible thinking in young students. -Educational Theatre Association

  • Training in acting classes improves language and memory skills. -Educational Theatre Association


Theatre in Our Schools Month may be over, but our students still have a lot to say about what theatre means to them.

Here's the rest of their responses:

Sarah Childers

Prop Master

To me there gives me a purpose but also a family. People I can turn to in a time of need, people I can trust but also have fun with. I really enjoy theatre and all the fun it involves but also being able to be apart of something so important.

Michael Smith


For me, theatre is almost an escape from reality. I myself have been very fortunate in life with my friends and family, but I've always suffered from low self-esteem which has left me feeling empty by being myself. But then one day, I took a risk with Mary Poppins Jr, and I LOVED it. I could TRULY be myself by NOT being myself. I then strived to work harder at this activity and I got a lead role! This led me to consider this as a career and I've never been so happy about anything else in my entire life. So for me, theatre is my happy place, my inner-peace, my happiness. Also I started eating more pizza roles after Mary Poppins, which has obviously made me happier.

Once again, a major thank you to every student who has taken the time to share what theatre means to them. Also another huge thank you to every student at PHS who is involved in our theatre troupe, we couldn't do it without you!

Until next year, this has been Theatre in Our Schools Month at PHS.

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